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3D PowerSculpt
Body Toning

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From the creators of 3D-lipoTM Introducing a powerful new revolution in body shaping and muscle toning. Just one 30-minute treatment is equivalent to 20,000 crunches or squats.

Why 3d powersculpt?

3D Powersculpt offers a targeted approach to muscle toning and body shaping – and can also be used as an accelerator to other 3D-lipo body-contouring treatments.

​How does the treatment work?

Using High Intensity Focused Electro-magnetic technology to engage the muscle, the 3D Powersculpt hand pieces contract the muscles like they would during exercise. Featuring seven different waveforms for varied desired results, the electro-magnetic technology continuously contracts the muscles throughout the treatment, forcing the muscle tissue to adapt, resulting in muscle building and fat burning.

Benefits of treatment

• Equivalent to 20,000 crunches or squats in just one treatment.

• Fast, affordable treatments.

• Can target multiple areas.

• Non-invasive

. • Effective results

. • Pain free.

• No exercise required*

From the creators of 3D-lipoTM  - Introducing Technology Accelerated Muscle Stimulation -  a powerful new revolution in body shaping and muscle toning. Just one 30-minute treatment is equivalent to 20,000 crunches or squats. 3D Powersculpt can:

  1. Burn fat

  2. Tone muscle

  3. Build muscle

  4. Shape Sculpt

  5. Lift and tighten


* A healthy lifestyle should always be maintained and this machine should not be used as an alternative to aerobic or cardiovascular exercise


What We

One Session of PowerSculpt  £90

3D PowerSculpt is a 30-minute treatment that builds muscles, tones and tightens, and burns fat. You can have up to 2 sessions per week to achieve your desired body shape.

Combination Therapies  50% off the 3D PowerSculpt when you have a session of body contouring

Combine the powers of the 3D Lipo Ultimatepro with the 3D PowerSculpt for the ultimate body contouring and sculpting experience. Lose fat whilst building muscle and save 50% on each 3D PowerSculpt session booked alongside the 3D Ultimatepro.

Course of 8 sessions  £560

Book 6 sessions of 3D PowerSculpt and we will give you 2 sessions for FREE. Begin your journey to body confidence with this special offer

Is the treatment safe?

Yes! The 3D Powersculpt treatment transmits consistent electro-magnetic fields to the muscle area of choice, triggering the biological effect of exercise in a non-invasive, painless manner.

How long does the treatment take?

Each treatment lasts 30 minutes, making sessions suitable around even the busiest of lifestyles!

What will I feel during the treatment?

The treatment is completely pain free but can sometimes feel a little uncomfortable. During the treatment you will feel the muscles contracting and relaxing, however, this discomfort is no more than exhausting your muscles in the gym.

What results can I expect?

Results will vary depending on your starting physique. However, a course of treatments will result in toning, muscle building and fat burning within the area.

How many treatments are recommended?

Your practitioner will advise you, typically eight sessions, two–three times per week is recommended.

Is there any downtime following treatment?

As this treatment is non-surgical, there is no downtime and you can continue with your day-to-day activities straight away. If you are a regular gym-goer we would recommend that you don’t train the treatment area for 48 hours post-treatment.

What aftercare is required?

There is no aftercare formally required other than maintaining a healthy lifestyle for maximum result

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